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New Year = New Opportunites to Grow

January 5, 2024

To grow spiritually takes more than good intentions. It requires intentionality.
A new year provides new opportunities to grow and learn, to develop and deepen relationships, to set goals and get after them, to replace unhealthy habits with healthy routines, to engage with God in fresh and meaningful ways.
What is your personal plan for spiritual growth this year?
To grow spiritually takes more than good intentions. It requires intentionality. Often, our good intentions are centered around what we should do. I should read my Bible every day. I should pray about a big decision rather than simply stressing about it. I should listen to more worship music. Those good intentions won't last long after the hype of a new year, simply because our "shoulds" have little staying power. Intentionality, however, isn't applied passively or by surprise. To do something with intentionality means to do it on purpose because I see the value in it. I intentionally choose to read my Bible before I start my work day because I see the value in centering my day on truth. I intentionally write out my prayers to the Lord because I see the value in trusting Him with the outcome. 
How can you be intentional to engage with God in His Word, in prayer, and in worship? Go behind those good intentions and the activities you should add to your time with God. The value is fellowship with God; with intentionality, that value will become a reality. 
While it can be helpful to set some lofty goals for the year, intentionality starts in the present. Focus on having intentionality today, tomorrow, this week. Seek to create healthy rhythms for engaging with God this week and this month. In doing so, it will help set the foundation for the year. Perhaps a simple rhythm is to commit to reading the Word and praying before checking your cell phone in the morning.
We need to lead ourselves before we lead others.
As you seek to grow personally, encourage those in your group to have intentionality as well. Brainstorm ideas together. Encourage each other and hold each other accountable.
Growth Groups resume next week - the week of January 8. A good group exercise is to encourage each person to identify a personal growth plan in three areas - spiritual disciplines, character quality, and relationships. As you Identify growth areas, share them with the group. The goal is not perfection, but progress.
*Spiritual Discipline - Identify an area of spiritual discipline to focus on - read the Word, pray, worship, give, serve, etc.
*Character Quality - Identify a character quality to grow in this month - patience, self-control, love, speech, peace, kindness, etc.
*Relationship - Identify a relationship to invest in this month - spouse, child, friendship, neighbor, etc.
Team Night is this Sunday, January 7 from 5:00-6:30 pm.
Team Night is to unite all Serve Teams as we start a new year. Be a part of the vision, connect in community, and receive practical training. The evening will start together with vision and updates. Then, we will meet in breakouts, including a breakout for all Growth Group leaders. The breakout will include the release of a new webpage dedicated to serving our leaders, how to develop a care plan for people who are suffering or struggling, a preview of the winter-spring group studies, and more. We will connect as leaders from all types of groups - women’s, men’s, parenting, mixed, married, and Hope Group. Please make Team Night a priority.
Sunday morning, after each service, we will be hosting Group Connect in the lobby. Your presence is wanted and valued to help others experience community in growth groups.
We are here to serve and support you. Please let us know if you have any questions or how we can pray for you or for your group.