Highpoint Cares
Caring for our community
Experience the help and hope of Jesus at Highpoint through our Care Center. We provide groceries, personal care items, advising appointments, referral information, and even afterschool homework help. Let us know how we can care and pray for you.

Ways we can help
God loves you. So do we. We are here and want to assist you in any ways we are able. For additional information, please email [email protected].

Food Market

Need help?
Dealing with struggles, hardships, or difficulties? We want you to know that you are not alone. Schedule an appointment with a Care Team member.

Homework Club
Need homework help? Join us at Homework Club at our Wheaton campus for individual tutoring.

Hope Group
We all suffer in many ways. Our struggles may be different, but our struggle is the same. Experience hope from God’s Word while in a safe, shame-free, and supportive community at each Highpoint campus.
Neighbors Helping Neighbors
Let’s be neighbors helping neighbors by filling laundry baskets with personal hygiene and cleaning products! Bring the filled basket back to church this month! Check out what to bring to your Highpoint campus a we collect personal hygiene items throughout the year.

Highpoint Cares

A Care Center Christmas
Care Center and Toys for Tots are partnering to provide gifts to families in need this holiday season. Families with children aged 0-12 years are eligible to apply. Registration opens on November 1, 2024, and will remain open until all spots are filled. The event, “A Care Center Christmas,” will take place on December 14, 2024, where families can select gifts for their children. If you cannot attend, you may send someone to shop on your behalf.