Our Deliverer
Ron Zappia
What’s left when we strip away the noise and complexities of modern faith? The distractions of the inconsequential? The diversions of the material? Discover how to navigate life’s challenges by embracing the simplicity and purity of Jesus Only. In today’s message, Pastor Ron Zappia shares a 3 step strategy for victory through Jesus.
Personal StudyCurrent Series:
Jesus Only
What’s left when we strip away the noise and complexities of modern faith? The distractions of the inconsequential? The diversions of the material? Discover how to navigate life’s challenges bye embracing the simplicity and purity of Jesus Only.
Me. You. Us
Strand One | Our Mentor: The Holy Spirit
Strand Two | Our Mandate: Spiritual Maturity
Strand Three | Our Identity: In Christ
Strand Four | Our Purpose: Glorify God
Strand Five | Our Motivation: Love
Strand Six | Our Message: The Gospel
Strand Seven | Our Mission: The Great Commission
Strand Eight | Our Ministry: Care and Share
Strand Nine | Our Membership: Partners
Strand Eleven | Our Master: God the Father
Strand Ten | Our Methodology: Dynamic Discipleship
2023 Recap Video
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