Women's Conference
Pursued: An Undeserved Invitation

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$20 Bring Your Daughter (14+)
$20 Bring a Non-Highpoint Friend
Pick two of the below topics to maximize your time at Women’s Conference. All breakouts are offered at both sessions. Breakouts will be unavailable to join when they reach maximum capacity.
Pursuing contentment in the seasons of life:
In both seasons of blessings and suffering, contentment can be hard to find. Yet the apostle Paul writes to the early church, “ … I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content. I know how to be brought low, and I know how to abound. In any, and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need,” (Philippians 4:11b-12). How do we as women of God pursue contentment when life circumstances are not what we’ve hoped they would be? Let’s lean into God‘s word and discover that “secret” together.
Pursuing discernment in the stages of parenting:
Every stage of parenting from littles to teenagers to adult children to grandkids presents its own challenges and complexities. We need discernment along the way to shape our actions and reactions. Praise the Lord for his Word and his very good promise to give wisdom to those who ask!
Pursuing restoration in broken relationships:
Broken relationships can be among the greatest heartaches we face in this life. How does restoration even begin? What is our role in the restoration process? Do I ever give up? Thankfully we can call on the Great Restorer to show us the way to restoration.
Pursuing Purposeful Connections: Influenced to Influence
Far too often we seek out friendships with women who seem like us- same interests, same life stage, same perspectives. Yet the Bible is full of examples of healthy friendships spanning generations, ethnicities, preferences, and marital status. The Lord invites us to learn from the women He has placed in your community. Not only that, we are also called to influence the women around us and “stir one another up to love and good works.” Learn how to welcome godly influence and then influence in a godly way.
Pursuing the Lord’s vision for my life:
Culture constantly advertises the priority of finding one’s purpose in life. Often in the church we call that purpose one’s “calling.” But how do I know that my vision for my life lines up with the Lord’s? How do I know if I’m doing what He wants me to do? How can I move forward in life if I don’t know what he wants from me?
Pursuing rest the Jesus way:
So many commitments demand our time. It is easy to live out our busy days exhausted, over committed, and guilty for not managing our schedules better. How can we add a rhythm of rest into our routine? What does biblical rest even look like? Come discover practical strategies for pursuing God’s rest in our daily lives.
8:00 | Registration + Breakfast |
8:30 | Session 1 |
10:15 | Breakout 1 |
11:15 | Breakout 2 |
12:15 | Lunch |
1:30 | Session 2 |