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Highpoint Men's Group

Leader Resources

From Leading Self to Leading Others

We equip our leaders to help people belive in, belong to, and become like Jesus.

Hope Group at Highpoint

Jesus Only Leader Guide

We’re excited to equip you with a weekly Leader Guide designed to help you lead your group with clarity and confidence. 

You’re making a difference—lead boldly! God’s already at work.

Growth Group Leader Blog

Rescources to help you grow as a Growth Group leader.

Leader Resources

Lead Others

Move From Leading Self to Leading Others
Live on mission by being a disciple who makes disciples. Grow in your influence and effectiveness as a leader by developing your character and comptencies to lead others.

Lead Others is an interactive and equipping experience to help Growth Group leaders create impactful gatherings for intentional discipleship and incarnational care.
Download Lead Others

Care + Counsel

Support the Suffering and Restore the Struggling
Everyone carries burdens - physical, relational, emotional, financial, and spiritual. Galatians 6:1-2 calls us to support the suffering and restore the struggling.

Through Care + Counsel, you will discover how to Connect, Assess, Respond, and Encourage.

This practical training is for Growth Group leaders, Hope Group leaders, and Care Cener Team members and more. Become a more effective leader, spouse, parent, friend, or coworker through Care + Counsel.
Download Care + Counsel

Care + Counsel Toolbox

Topical worksheets to support the suffering and restore the struggling. 

Group Studies

Host Teams

Creating a Welcoming Culture at Highpoint
Help each person feel welcome at Highpoint through an amazing guest experience.

Our Host Teams include many roles:
Greeting Team, Usher Team, Parking Team, Cafe Team, and Security Team.

"Welcome one another as Christ has welcomed you to the glory of God."
Romans 15:7
Host Team Overview

Stateville Team

Caring for our brothers at Highpoint Stateville
Highpoint Stateville shares the same vision and conviction of all other Highpoint campuses- to help people believe in, belong to, and become like Jesus. 

In 2020, Highpoint became the first church ever to be approved by the Illinois Department of Corrections to launch a fully functioning church inside a state prison.

Our mission is not to be a disciple, but to make disciples, and we are helping to make disciples alongside the incarcerated men at Stateville.
Stateville Volunteer Guide


Supporting the mission and ministries of Highpoint
The word "deacon" means "servant." They are servants of the Lord in the church. Deacons are men and women with character and commitment to serve the operational and care needs at Highpoint.

Deacons contribute to the healthy function of the church allowing the pastors and elders to serve by leading in teaching, prayer, and in discipleship. Deacons work closely with the Highpoint staff to strengthen the organization of the church to help build up the body of Christ in love.
Deacon OverviewDeacon ApplicationDeacon Application: Renewal

Lead Others Videos

Session 1

Session 2

Session 3

Session 4

Session 5

Session 6